
Cocaine Wipes for Pubs And Bars

Cocaine wipes are ideal for use in pubs and clubs where the licensee is concerned about cocaine usage on their premises.  These easy-to-use, cocaine wipes can be used to spot-check toilets – the place where users most commonly prepare and snort cocaine. The wipes can be swabbed over areas such as toilet cisterns and seats to detect traces of the drug, with results in seconds.

Many pubs and bars have started using cocaine test swabs in recent years in order to clamp down on cocaine usage on their premises.  Many police forces across the UK also use these tests for special operations where a number of licensed premises are targeted for testing on busy Friday and Saturday nights. Recent police operations have taken place in pubs and bars in Cambridgeshire, Nottinghamshire and Surrey.

The Rise of Cocaine in the Night-Time Economy

While the implications of drug use in pubs and bars are serious, it’s important to understand the context behind this disturbing trend. The rise of the night-time economy over the past few decades has brought with it a culture of excessive drinking and drug taking. Cocaine, in particular, has become the drug of choice for many who frequent bars and clubs.

Its stimulant effects allow people to stay awake and maintain high energy levels for long periods of drinking and dancing. But what might start as a way to keep the party going can quickly spiral into addiction and all the dangers that entails. Dealing with addiction is never easy, but being under the influence in a crowded bar setting presents some alarming risks.

The Risks of Cocaine in Bars

Cocaine is known to increase aggression, impair judgement, and cause erratic behaviour in users. In the enclosed space of a bar with easy access to more alcohol, this combination can prove explosive. Fights, sexual assaults, accidents, and other violence become far more likely. Users also put massive strain on their cardiovascular system when combining cocaine with alcohol – incidents of heart attacks and strokes are not uncommon.

Then there are the wide-ranging social impacts – from public disorder to organised crime infiltrating nightlife venues. Make no mistake, wherever there is a demand for cocaine, drug dealers will be close at hand supplying it. The relationship between cocaine use and the harmful actions of drug gangs cannot be ignored.

Cocaine Usage Is a Problem for the Licensee

Cocaine wipes are a cost-effective way for licensees to make sure that their premises are not being used to take the drug. as the wipes can be used to monitor areas where drugs may be snorted. This is important as not tackling a drug problem in your pub could result in a criminal conviction and loss of your premises licence.

Bars And Pubs Are Losing Their Alcohol Licences

Below are a couple of examples of the dangers that bar owners and managers face if they ignore drug taking on their premises.

In December 2019, a prominent cocktail bar in Brighton had its alcohol licence withdrawn after high levels of cocaine were discovered in the toilets. Three drug swab tests had been failed by the bar over a period of seven months. As well as cocaine, traces of heroin and methamphetamine were also discovered in the investigation.

The owners of the bar made changes which included removing flat surfaces from the toilets. However, this was seen as too little, too late by the licensing panel.

In September 2019, the Black Swan pub in Spalding saw its premises licence withdrawn after “persistent drug offences”. Police swabbed surfaces and found traces of cocaine in the toilets. Drug residue was also found on the snooker table and on gaming machines.

Police were aware of a drug problem in the pub, dating back to 2011. For many years the pub had been monitored, The management was advised that changes need to take place. However, a full zero tolerance drug policy was never implemented.

In July 2019, a national tabloid newspaper reported that “rampant cocaine abuse” was a big problem for UK pubs. The report spoke of one landlord who was spraying pub surfaces with WD40 in order to make them useless for drug taking! The article reported that police were now recommending that pub owners should regularly swab their premises for drugs.

In April 2021, the Metro reported that cocaine dealers were preparing for record sales as beer gardens reopened after months of lockdown. With the public not being allowed in a pub since November 2020, demand for the drug was high, with dealers expecting record sales, not seen since the World Cup of 2018.

In May 2021, a pub in Birmingham was shut down after police found evidence of persistent drug offending. The pub’s licence was revoked after illegal substances were found on the premises and staff were not properly trained to detect drug use.

These incidents highlight the ongoing problem of drug use in UK pubs and the need for stronger measures to tackle the issue. The government has been called upon to provide more funding for drug education and prevention programs in pubs, as well as increasing penalties for those caught using or selling illegal substances on licensed premises.

With drug use remaining a pervasive issue in UK society, it is clear that a concerted effort is needed to stem the tide of illicit substances and prevent them from infiltrating our social spaces. In the meantime, pub owners must remain vigilant and implement strong policies to deter drug use and protect the safety of their patrons.

Maintaining a Safe Environment

Of course, the responsibility ultimately falls on venue owners and staff to maintain a safe, responsibly managed environment. While security can help keep drugs out, testing measures like cocaine wipes are an essential extra layer of prevention. Performing regular swab tests, especially in toilet areas, sends a clear zero-tolerance message. It allows staff to take swift action if cocaine use is detected.

Simply ignoring the problem is a recipe for disaster that could lead to closure or prosecution. Licensees must get proactive – invest in drug awareness training for staff, work closely with local law enforcement, and explore deterrents like toilet cubicle closers or even professional drug dog services. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure when it comes to avoiding the major headaches caused by cocaine in your establishment.

Cocaine Surface Wipe

How to use Cocaine Wipes

Cocaine wipes are really simple to use. They are based on a chemical which reacts when it comes into contact with cocaine. The wipe is removed from its packaging. The suspect area is then swabbed to detect even the smallest amount of cocaine residue. If any trace of the drug is found, the wipe instantly turns blue. The wipes offer a simple pass or fail the test. If nothing happens, cocaine is not present. If they turn blue, it is. The wipes are sensitive enough to detect around one milligram of the drug.

The cocaine wipe can be used on any dry surface in almost any environment.  Even if there are no visible powder remains from the drugs, the test can still work as it can detect even the smallest amount of the drug.

Cocaine wipes should not be used on human skin. (In these situations, saliva and urine screens for cocaine are more suitable.)

When using the cocaine wipes, we recommended that latex gloves are worn to protect the skin from the chemical reagents. This will also reduce the risk of cross-contamination.

Results are instant with these wipes as the colour change occurs almost immediately. At present, there is no commercial confirmation test available for these wipes, but the accuracy and reliability of the wipes are high.

Cocaine swabs are sold by UK drug testing company, Zoom Testing, as part of a wide range of cocaine drug testing kits.

Photo by “Glass” by Anthony Cunningham for Zoom Testing

Zoom Testing is a leading UK drug testing company and a supplier of Drug Test Kits.

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