Why You Should Keep a Disposable Alcohol Breathalyser Kit in Your Car

Why You Should Keep a Disposable Breathalyser in Your Car

If you’re a responsible driver, you know that drinking and driving is a serious offense with heavy repercussions. It only takes one drink to put yourself and other road users at risk, so it’s important to have the right tools to stay safe. That’s why you should consider keeping a Disposable Breathalyser in your car.

Why You Should Keep a Disposable Alcohol Breathalyser Kit in Your Car

Alcohol Breathalysers are designed to detect alcohol in the breath, providing an accurate measure of blood alcohol content (BAC). This can help you make an informed decision about your driving ability. A disposable Alcohol Breathalyser Breath Tester Kit is an easy and cost-effective way to keep yourself and your passengers safe on the road.

Benefits of having an Alcohol Breathalyser Breath Tester Kit in your car include:

  1. You can test yourself and your passengers before getting on the road: Testing yourself or your passengers when you get into a vehicle can help you determine if anyone has been drinking and is not fit to drive. This ensures that you are not endangering your life or the lives of others while on the road.
  2. You can avoid legal trouble: Drink Driving is illegal and dangerous. Driving with even a small amount of alcohol in your system is illegal in many countries, so it’s best to avoid the possibility of running into legal issues. Using a disposable Alcohol Breathalyser Breath Tester Kit can help you stay on the right side of the law.
  3. You can save money: Investing in a disposable Alcohol Breathalyser Breath Tester Kit is much less expensive than paying for a DUI or other driving-related offence. Plus, the cost of using a disposable breathalyser is much less than the cost of a ride home.
  4. Alcohol can stay in your body for many hours after drinking. Therefor, you may want to test the morning after drinking. You would not want to lose your job due to a drink driving conviction.

Having a disposable Alcohol Breathalyser Breath Tester Kit in your car is an easy way to ensure you and your passengers stay safe on the road. Don’t take the risk of driving while impaired – invest in a disposable breathalyser kit today!

Photo by Zoom Testing


Zoom Testing is a leading UK drug testing company and a supplier of Drug Test Kits.

This post was originally published in January 2022 and has been updated since.

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