
Drink Spiking: How Drink Coasters Can Test for Date Rape Drugs

There have been increased reports of drug use in recent years.  Drugs and alcohol are often combined together and violent acts or sexual assaults often occur because of this.

Some drugs are called “date rape drugs” because they have pharmacological properties and can bring about amnesia. These drugs are used on an unsuspecting victim and then an assault takes place.

These “date rape drugs” are often added to alcoholic drinks at a club or bar to spike the drink. The person is either robbed or they are sexually assaulted as they are under the influence of the drug and cannot respond to the assault. Many don’t report the incident until days later and often not at all.

There is more awareness of this problem and an inventor who created a drink coaster says he can detect whether or not a beverage has been spiked with these date rape drugs.

Understanding Drink Spike Coasters

These coaster look like a regular coaster or beer mat but they have two areas on them that can be used for testing. The person using the coaster can test for the drugs Ketamine and GHB which are common date rape drugs. They are also available as Date Rape Drug Test Strips, these tests are the same as the coasters but are credit card sized to allow them to be easily carried in a handbag or wallet.

How Do these Coasters Work?

These coasters are very easy to use and even if you’re impaired with alcohol you can still use them. All that is required is that you dab a drop of liquid on the coaster with your finger or a straw and then rub it in gently. You need to let a few minutes pass so the liquid dries and then the spot turns blue. This could be an indication that there are drugs in your drink.

Is this a gimmick or a real solution to date rape?

The coaster does detect Ketamine and GHB but doesn’t work with every drink type. The coaster doesn’t work with drinks that have fruit juice, wine, tonic water, oily liquors, or milk products such as a Kahlua. Darker drinks with cola also pose a problem. The blue is hard to detect in a dark nightclub setting. Since there are limitations, not all drinks can be tested with the coasters.

One police force conducted a study and found that there are over 20 date rape drugs being used currently. The coasters can’t check for one of the notorious drugs called Rohypnol used in date rape. Drink spike test kits that check for Rohypnol are available elsewhere though.

What else can a person do?

You need a good education on the date rape drugs on the current market. You need to know the effects of these drugs and what they look like. You should go to clubs and bars with friends and have them watch your drink when you are up dancing or talking with someone. If you have any symptoms like drowsiness or dizziness you should leave the club immediate and find a safe area. Only accept a drink from the waiter or bartender and watch them make it. Never take a drink from a stranger no matter what.

Aside from keeping an eye on your drink at all times, and using the buddy system for safety, there are various additional measures you can employ to ensure your well-being while socialising. First and foremost, it is imperative to trust your instincts. If something feels amiss or unsettling, remove yourself from the situation immediately. It is always preferable to lean towards caution.

Moreover, it is vital to stay attentive of your surroundings at all times. Be mindful of the individuals around you and any peculiar behaviour that catches your attention. If you observe someone behaving inappropriately or causing discomfort to others, promptly notify the staff or security personnel. By taking action, not only do you safeguard yourself but also have the potential to prevent harm from befalling others.

Moreover, it is crucial to maintain open and honest communication with your companions regarding your plans and location. Make an effort to disclose your whereabouts, the name of the venue, and your estimated return time to a trusted friend or family member. This method ensures that someone is aware of your location and can periodically check on you throughout the evening.

Furthermore, it would be wise to keep your phone’s battery fully charged and easily accessible at all times. In case an emergency arises, having a functioning phone can potentially save your life. Additionally, considering the installation of safety apps that allow you to swiftly issue alerts to designated contacts or emergency services if you encounter a perilous situation is strongly advised.

Lastly, it is important to remember that you should never blame yourself if someone attempts to harm you. Regardless of the circumstances, everyone deserves to feel secure and respected. In the unfortunate event that you or someone you know becomes a victim of sexual assault or any form of violence, do not hesitate to reach out for help from helplines, counselling services, or support organisations.

Remember that you are not alone in this situation; there are resources available to assist you in navigating through challenging times. By combining knowledge with awareness and taking proactive measures, you can significantly decrease the likelihood of becoming a target of drink tampering or other perilous situations. Keep yourself well-informed and remain attentive at all times. Above all else, prioritise. your personal safety and overall well-being wherever your ventures take you.

Photo by Anthony Cunningham for Zoom Testing

This post first appeared in 2013. It was last updated in July 2023.

Zoom Testing is a leading UK drug testing company and a supplier of Drug Test Kits.

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